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Service Projects

Education Beyond The Classroom

At Orion International Academy we believe that rigorous academics are only one part of a well-rounded student’s education. As a function of the student learning outcome called “Positive Influencer” the school promotes citizenship and community service through a required course called Global and Community Action. Each teacher acts as an advisor for specific grade levels to guide students in creating a community service project with a local organization such as an animal shelter, children’s hospital, food bank, or tutoring service. In addition, the students work towards an annual international service trip to a foreign country. In 2015-2016 the students went to Guatemala to help build houses poverty stricken communities. In March 2017, the students will go to China to support offering books to schools with limited resources.

2024 Trip: Costa Rica

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2024 Trip: East Coast

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2019 Trip: Cambodia

During our Cambodia trip, Orion students taught English to teachers in underdeveloped schools.

2018 Trip: Mexico

In Mexico, Orion students helped to build new schools in underserved areas.

2017 Trip: China

Orion students traveled to China to learn about the Chinese culture and supply a needed library with over 4,000 books.

2016: Guatemala

Orion students went to Guatemala to build homes in a poverty stricken neighborhood in Guatemala City. The student worked hard during the fall semester to raise the money for their travel and to contribute to the construction costs. The trip taught the students the values of community service, leadership, and internationalism.