Lower Level Academics

Orion School - Primary Education

Academic Offerings

Lower-level instruction is a critical time when students build up a deep-rooted love for learning. Notwithstanding their normal educational plan, Orion values the significance of forte educators and classes. Our educators connect with students, getting them energetic about considering crucial subjects, for example, theatre, debate, robotics, computer science, theater, music, and government. An Orion schooling comprises of mixing technology and conventional study culture to make a better educational program that inspires students to develop a love of learning and education.


Perhaps the best gift youngsters can give themselves is an affection for reading. Beginning in the early years, we acquaint students with an assortment of writers and types to enable them to comprehend what makes a great book for them. As they investigate different ways of life as perusers, they start to comprehend concepts that broadens their borders. To be a solid reader, students must have the option to interpret words and grasp the underlying meaning of stories. This is a skill that Orion helps to develop through our unique reading programs.


At Orion, we teach the science of writing. We host writing classes that start in Kindergarten, and students in Lower School are required to free-write frequently on subjects of their own preference. Expanding on the work they finished the year prior to, the students learn and practice the techniques that professional writers use in their stories and pieces. Each writing class offers personalized guidance for each student. Our educators meet with our young writers to offer tips intended to lift their level of writing kid’s compositions.


Building a solid number sense is integral to our program. Students are not instructed to memorize laws and facts; rather they figure out how to think and reason, to see associations among activities, and to figure out problems intellectually. Visual models are utilized to develop their arrangement, and students figure out how to clarify and legitimize their numerical reasoning, distinguish critical thinking methodologies, and consider the most effective procedures. Real-life applications are particularly important to the Orion curriculum. For instance, students calculate probabilities using table games, and work on figuring decimal numbers when purchasing products at a grocery store.

School Supplies

● Laptop with headphones
● #2 pencils
● 2 packs of printing paper
● I pack of 120 sheets of writing paper
● Pencil sharpener
● Erasers
● 1 box of 48 count crayons
● 1 pack of 24 colored pencils
● 12 inch ruler (inches and centimeters)

● 1 protractor
● 4 pocket folders
● Small hand sanitizer bottle
● 4 composition books
● 4 jumbo book covers
● 1 box of kleenex
● 1 bottle of elmer’s glue
● Multiple color construction paper 12”X18” or bigger